Internal Pano Configurator App

The Pano Configurator tour product is popular, but the tour program was limited. It became too complicated to add more than three options to build a tour. It was hard to QA and 12x the production time to make with the added options due to the complicity. I came up with a solution of building or own application for building this new product. We had a license for the image-stitching program. We created a GUI and functionality to support our new product. We have cut down our tour production time to almost the same time as our non-configurator tours. With the new design, there is no limit to the number of combinations of options, and we can show thousands of images in a tour. We can also add a new feature for the client in a different industry to have a unique and ever-evolving product. I am also the product owner of this app. I submit the bugs, PBI, and enhancements to development. I currently am designing all the front and backend to give it a consistent feel.


Pano Configurator Tour